
Week 91 - Repentance

Hey everyone!  It´s good to write you all once again!  Everything is well here in Sicuani!


This past week was a busy week... We have been in Cusco for about 3 days of the past week so there wasn´t a lot of time to actually work in the sector.  First off, we went to Cusco to have a meeting with President (all the leaders of the mission) and it was cool.  There were a few minor changes to the mission then just a few reminders of what we need to be doing as missionaries.  President also talked about how we can do things our way and think that it´s easier, or we can do it the way that our leaders have told us and it will work out a lot better in the end.  We did an activity before they talked about this and it was a test.  They gave us two rules to the test and one of them was that we had 7 minutes to finish (21 ´´questions´´) and the other was that we had to read all of the questions before starting.  Luckily, I have had this type of test before.  The ´´questions´´ weren´t really questions but things we had to do like write our name on the bord or take off our shoe or suit coat or something like that but the last one (#21) said that if we were obedient and read all of them before starting, all we had to do was write our name on the paper and put it face down.  So that´s all I had to do while I watched others running around haha!


Also this past week we were able to have a baptism!  It was cool!  She was really excited to be able to be baptized.


So this past week we have also been teaching a lot about repentance.  We decided that we need to teach better the repentance and baptize converts.  So every lesson we go to now, we are teaching about repentance and it´s a lot different!  People seem more willing to keep their commitments!  It was way cool.


I love you all and hope you all have a great week to come!  Thanks for all your support and love!





Titel Publikationsdatum Elementaktionen
The Mission Call 01.10.14
I Made It To Peru! 22.10.14
At The Lima, Peru Temple 29.10.14
Week 1 - Getting Started 30.10.14
Week 2 - Always The Same 07.11.14
Week 3 - Mixing It Up With Pranks 14.11.14
Week 4 - Earthquake! 21.11.14
Some Pics! 21.11.14
Week 5 - El Ultimo Semana! 27.11.14
At The Mission Home In Cusco 02.12.14
Welcome Email From Mission President 05.12.14
Week 6,7 - Estamos En Cusco! 09.12.14
Welcome To The Jungle! 12.12.14
Week 8 - Puerto Maldonado 15.12.14
Week 9 - Everything Is Great! 22.12.14
Week 10 - Feliz Navidad 29.12.14
Over The River And... 29.12.14
Week 11 - Feliz Año 05.01.15
Week 12 - First Change 12.01.15
Week 13 - Another Week 19.01.15
Week 14 - Thunderstruck 26.01.15
Week 15 - Learning From Others 02.02.15
Week 16 - Rompé una Ventana 09.02.15
Week 17 - Drunk > Sober > Investigator > Member 16.02.15
Week 18 - Sick Of Bananas 23.02.15
Week 19 - Still Raining, Testimonies, Seek God 02.03.15
Week 20 - Monkey 09.03.15
Week 21 - Cuy 16.03.15
Week 22 - Time Is Flying 23.03.15
Week 23 - Same Old Puerto 30.03.15