
Week 19 - Scriptures Are Amazing

Servus! Ich hoffe, dass es euch alle gut geht. Es geht mir gut. Noch eine Woche ist schon vorbei. Die Zeit geht ganz schnell!


This week was very good. We met and taught some pretty cool people. The members have been helping us out a lot here. They are really amazing. Other than that, there was nothing really too out of the ordinary.


The Bundesliga started this last weekend! Now I can actually start conversations with people without being so awkward about it (because that is all I know). There is definitely an atmosphere around here when the Bundesliga is going on, though.


Recently I have been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon. It is amazing how much it testifies of Christ. Some of my favorite chapters are Mosiah 12-16, when Abinadi Is testifying to King Noah and his court. The more I grow my understanding and appreciation for the gospel, the more I start to understand the Book of Mormon and appreciate the words in it. Abinadi was an amazing teacher. He quotes Isaiah, expounds his words, for four or five chapters straight testifies of Christ and His Atonement, and then seals his testimony with his life, not willing to deny what he testified of. He is not the only example. Joseph Smith is also a great example for us. He bore persecution for 24 years and sealed his testimony with his life, rather than deny what he knew was true. Elder Holland talks about Joseph Smith's testimony in a talk "Safety for the Soul." It is an amazing talk. He point I want to make is "will ye reject these words? Will ye reject the words of the prophets; and will ye reject all the words which have been spoken concerning Christ, after so many have spoken concerning him; and deny the good word of Christ, and the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and quench the Holy Spirit, and make a mock of the great plan of redemption, which hath been laid for you? (Jacob 6:8)"


There are so many witnesses of Christ. We have about 2000 pages of scripture in our standard works, plus much, much more from modern day prophets and testimonies of everyday people. "Now behold, my brethren, I would ask if ye have read the scriptures? If ye have, how can ye disbelieve on the Son of God? (Alma 33: 14)"


The scriptures are amazing. Read them.


Danke euch! Die Kirche ist wahr! Schöne Woche noch! 




Diese Woche war ziemlich gut. Wir haben ein paar coole Menschen begegnen und belehrt. Die Mitglieder helfen uns viel. Sie sind tatsächlich genial. Außerdem das, gibt es Nichts ungewöhnliches.


Der Bundesliga ist voriges Wochenende angefangen! Jetzt kann ich tatsächlich mit Menschen sprechen, weil das alles ist, was ich über sprechen kann! Es gibt unbedingt eine Atmosphäre hier, während der Bundesliga Saison.


Kürzlich habe ich viel im Buch Mormon gelesen. Es ist genial, wie viel es wirklich von Jesus Christus bezeugt. Eine von meine Lieblingsschrifstellen findet sich in Mosia 12-16. Abinadi bezeugt gegen Königen Noah und seine Priestern. Je mehr ich vom Evangelium Jesu Christi erfahre, desto mehr ich die Heilige Schriften und ihre Lehre verstehe, respektiere und anwende, was alles darin steht. Abiniadi war einer ganz fantastisch Lehrer. tut mir Leid. Ich habe nicht genug Zeit, die Reste zu übersetzen. Um zu zusammenfassen: lest in der Heilige Schriften! Sie beweisen von Christus und sein Sühnopfer!





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