
Week 5 - Travel Plans

Hey everyone!


This week as been really good. Time is flying by. We got our travel plans yesterday. We leave on May 30th. I can't wait. One of the first things we do when we get there is street contacting in Frankfurt. I'm kind of nervous, but more excited than anything. 

Not so much happened this week that was new. I just can't wait to see in which part of Germany I will be serving in. 


I had some pretty cool personal experiences this week with personal revelation. I had some questions that I was stuck on. It didn't shake my faith, but I had a hard time explaining certain parts of the Gospel to someone that has never heard it before, and explaining to them why it is important for them to have a testimony of, and follow those aspects of the gospel. First, I prayed so that I could know first, how this aspect of the Gospel applies to my life, and then second, how I could relate it to the lives of those I am teaching. After that, I got into a discussion with my companion. He had the same question. After that, I searched the scriptures. The scriptures didn't give me my exact answer, but it sparked a thought, and then the spirit took over, and gave me an exact answer. I swear my mind almost stopped working after that because I was so amazed. This exact same experience happened to me about 3 or 4 times this whole week, all with different questions. I felt the spirit so strongly all of these times.


I've never felt the spirit so strongly. Ever. I felt the spirit the way it explains in Helaman 5:30, it "pierced my soul." I know that God loves His children, and that He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever." He reaches out to us. We have to "ask and ye shall receive. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you." We have to act in Faith, believing that we will receive. Revelation is so powerful, if you let it be. 


I know that this is God's work. We, as missionaries, are "instruments in the hands of God." We are called to "teach repentance and baptize converts", so that others can have the opportunity to be cleansed before they stand before God to be judged. This is the purpose of the Gospel. It is real, and it is God's plan for us to live with Him again. 


Love everyone! Thanks for everything!





Titel Publikationsdatum Elementaktionen
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