
Week 58 - Bis in die Ewigkeit ausharren

Liebe Grüße!

I don't have too much time this week, so this will be a shorter email.

I was transferred to Düsseldorf. It is a huge city on the Rhein. It has gotten very hot here as well. 

I read a pretty cool quote from President Eyring: "From the cross on Calvary, the Savior announced, “It is finished.” Then His spirit left His body, and His mortal remains were placed lovingly in a tomb. He taught us a lesson by what He did in three days in the spirit world, before His Resurrection, which I remember whenever I am tempted to feel that I have finished some hard task in His service and deserve a rest (1 Peter 3: 18-19). The Savior’s example gives me courage to press on. His labors in mortality were finished, but He entered the spirit world determined to continue His glorious work to save souls. He organized the work of the faithful spirits to rescue those who could still be made partakers of the mercy made possible by His atoning sacrifice."

Jesus Christ endured everything, and even after His crucifixion, He still did work. I can only echo what Elder Eyring said here. The Savior's example gives me courage to press on. He lives. he knows what we are going through. In Him we can find peace.

Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!

