
Week 93 - Zum richtigen Zeitpunkt

Liebe Grüße! 

This week was really good! We were able to meet with a lot of our investigators. They are all really solid, and are making really good progress. These people here are amazing. 

So a couple of days ago may companion and I had a lot of time to go finding. Before we went finding we had to go to the church to print our stickers with our contact information to put on the cards we give out. For some reason the computer wasn't working right with the printer, and it ended up taking a little bit longer than expected, which was pretty frustrating. But then the first person we talked to on the street after that was a really nice German lady. We talked for about 15 minutes, and then she kept on saying "that was really inspired." When we asked why, she said that she was on her way home from a meeting with her friend, and she just got done telling her friend that she is at a point in her life where she doesn't know where to go anymore. She then said that she doesn't normally take this route home, but for some reason felt that she should go in this direction this one time, and that it was really weird. We were able to give her a Book of Mormon and bare testimony about divine guidance. It was pretty cool. 

This week I studied a lot about the great apostasy, after the time that the Apostles of Jesus Christ were no more to be found. It's a way cool topic, and I really do believe that it happened. You can see the effects of this apostasy today. There is lots of confusion and conflict within religion, and it causes people to believe that it as a whole cannot be from God. Without this apostasy, there would be no need for a restoration. But there was a Restoration, and if people really do want to find truth about God, they need to know where to look.

Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung! Ich habe euch alle lieb! 

Der Inbegriff des Glaubensabfalls, aber coole Kirche

