
Week 15 -Jesus der Christus

Hallo Alles! Mir geht es sehr gut! Ich freue mich, daß ich wieder Emails schicken kann. Die Zeit geht sehr schnell vorbei! Ich bin shon 3 und halb Monate auf Mission. Könnt ihr das glauben?


I am loving it here. It is hard work, but good work. Lasst uns nicht müde, Gutes zu tun! (I don't know how to quote that in English). 


I am learning seriously so much. A lot of it comes from experience, and a lot of it comes through prayerful study. If you don't study the gospel daily, my invitation is simply this: do it! It will really help your life go so much better. You will have the spirit more abundantly, and you will be in a better mood, let alone expand your understanding of the gospel. 


This week I have had the opportunity to study a lot about Jesus Christ. Just Jesus Christ, and why He is so important. We have a couple of investigators who are Muslim, and they don't believe in Christ as the Son of God. I have found some 'ganz' coole scriptures:


2 Nephi 9: 6 - Jesus was born of Mary, the Prince of Peace.
1 John 4: 9-10 & John 3:16 - God loves us so He sent His Son to be propitition for our sins.
Matthew 11:28-30 - One of my favorite scriptures. Through Christ, our burdens will be made light. 
2 Corinthians 5:17 - Also one of my favorite scriptures. Through Christ, we can become new.


There are so many scriptures that testify of Christ, especially in the Book of Mormon. I just want to add my testimony to the many tesimonies of Jesus Christ found in the scriptures. Through Christ, and only through Christ, can we become clean from our sins. We can be freed from all of our guilt, and we can receive peace of consciounce and happiness in this life. I can testify of the cleansing power and strength that comes from the Atonement of Jesus Christ. No matter what people say about faith, about religion, Jesus is the Christ, and it is only through His Atonement and following the Restored Gospel that we can reach our eternal potential and live in God's presence again. 


Er lebt! 


Vielen Dank für Alles! Ich freue mich, daß (hoffentlich) Alles gut geht! Bis nächste Woche!

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