
Peru's Most Powerful Missionaries

Who in their right mind would not let these missionaries in?





Publicador de contenidos

Título Fecha de publicación Acciones del elemento
The Mission Call 1/10/14
I Made It To Peru! 22/10/14
At The Lima, Peru Temple 29/10/14
Week 1 - Getting Started 30/10/14
Week 2 - Always The Same 7/11/14
Week 3 - Mixing It Up With Pranks 14/11/14
Week 4 - Earthquake! 21/11/14
Some Pics! 21/11/14
Week 5 - El Ultimo Semana! 27/11/14
At The Mission Home In Cusco 2/12/14
Welcome Email From Mission President 5/12/14
Week 6,7 - Estamos En Cusco! 9/12/14
Welcome To The Jungle! 12/12/14
Week 8 - Puerto Maldonado 15/12/14
Week 9 - Everything Is Great! 22/12/14
Week 10 - Feliz Navidad 29/12/14
Over The River And... 29/12/14
Week 11 - Feliz Año 5/1/15
Week 12 - First Change 12/1/15
Week 13 - Another Week 19/1/15
Week 14 - Thunderstruck 26/1/15
Week 15 - Learning From Others 2/2/15
Week 16 - Rompé una Ventana 9/2/15
Week 17 - Drunk > Sober > Investigator > Member 16/2/15
Week 18 - Sick Of Bananas 23/2/15
Week 19 - Still Raining, Testimonies, Seek God 2/3/15
Week 20 - Monkey 9/3/15
Week 21 - Cuy 16/3/15
Week 22 - Time Is Flying 23/3/15
Week 23 - Same Old Puerto 30/3/15