
Entradas con etiqueta euskirchen .

Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland und das letztes Mal aus Euskirchen!


A lot of cool things happened this week. We met a ton of cool people, which is probably one of my favorite parts about being on a mission, especially the members.


I will really miss the members and all of the people here because I am getting transferred to ______________. I just wanted to write about experiences that I have had here in Euskirchen that I think would be cool to share.


We have had some very interesting, and very rough meetings with people. We have met with people that criticized us for two and a half hours straight for preaching about Jesus Christ. We have met with pastors that argued that there can "be no more Bible! (2 Nephi 29: 3-10)" We have also had some 'encounters' with some pretty interesting people that honestly just confused me because I honestly had no idea what they were talking about.


All of these experiences were very rough, especially for my first area, but they really straightened me out. In Ether 12: 6 it says, "for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." I've never prayed so much in my life, and I have never wanted to know so bad before. Although answered didn't come suddenly or all at once, they definitely did come. Elder Bednar described it like the sun coming up, rather than a light being turned on. I now actually enjoy having discussions with people against our faith because it gives me the opportunity to share with them the blessings of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Like Jacob in the Book of Mormon "my soul delighteth in proving unto my people the truth of the coming of Christ."


The members of this area were just amazing. I really don't know what else to say. I had the chance to be here to witness this "group" become a branch. To me it just proves that this is God's work, because "no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing." We have seen miracles in this area. Not just once, but literally everyday.


I want to end my email with a scripture from 1 Corinthians 15 to remember Brenna, who on November 5, 10 years ago, left this life to a much better life. "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."





Diese Kirche ist tatsächlich die Kirche Jesu Christi in dieser letzten Tage. Bis nächste Woche! Herzlichen Dank für die Unterstützung! ----- Ich werde die Mitglieder hier in Euskirchen vermissen, weil ich nach ______________ versetzt worden bin. Heute möchte ich einfach ein paar Ereignisse mitteilen und dann das sagen, was ich davon gelernt habe.


Wir hatten viele interessante und auch rohe Termine. Wir haben uns mit Leuten unterhalten, die uns für zwei Stunde verfolgt haben, weil wir von Jesus Christus gepredigt haben. Wir haben uns mit Pastoren unterhalten, die gestritten haben, denn "wir haben eine Bibel, und es kann nicht noch mehr Bibel geben! (2 Nephi 29: 3-10)" Wir haben auch mit viele interessante Menschen, die mich wirklich verwirrt haben, denn ich hatte keine Ahnung worüber sie gesprochen haben.


Doch alle diese Erfahrungen, die ich durchgemacht habe, haben mir geholfen, mein Zeugnis zu stärken. Ich musste für mich selbst herausfinden, ob das, was ich belehre, wahr ist. Ich habe viel studiert, gefastet und gebetet. Mehr als allezeit vorher. Ich kann sagen und Zeugnis davon geben, dass ich weiß mit Gewissheit, dass Gott tatsächlich da ist, dass er uns liebt, dass er seinen Enzigezeugten Sohn gesandt hat, um für uns zu Sünden. Ich weiß, dass diese Kirche, die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, die Kirche Jesu Christi ist, die von Joseph Smith wiederhergestellt worden ist. Diese Botschaft ist eine Botschaft von Frieden und Freude. Freude, dass Gotte mit uns heute spricht und auch, dass er ein Prophet berufen hat, um uns zu leiten und informieren. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass Gott uns nicht allein verlassen hat. Das bringt mir Frieden und Ruhe.


Ich möchte meine Email mit eine bestimmte Schriftstelle vollenden, um Brenna zu erinnern, die November 5 vor 10 Jahre verstorben ist. Es findet sich in 1 Korinther 15. Sie lautet "Tod, wo ist dein Sieg? / Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? Der Stachel des Todes aber ist die Sünde, die Kraft der Sünde ist das Gesetz. Gott aber sei Dank, der uns den Sieg geschenkt hat durch Jesus Christus, unseren Herrn."

Liebe Grüße aus Euskirchen!


I hope everyone is doing well. This week was good as always. Not too much new. 


Yesterday we had Pfahlkonferenz in Düsseldorf. We had a member of the Seventy there, Elder Dryden. Let me just say that he "threw down the hammer." He talked about keeping the sabbath day holy. He was just very blunt and straight to the point. It was awesome. He said that "someone who really understands the Atonement will be seen studying the scriptures and praying silently 5 minutes before sacrament meeting starts." It was really cool, and then he started to go over promised blessing that we can receive when we keep the Sabbath day holy. He said that if we keep it holy, then we will be blessed in every aspect of our lives. 


This week I finished the book of John in the New Testament. There were two scriptures that I thought were pretty cool. "But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name (John 20: 31)." "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen (John 21: 25)." I am so thankful that we have the scriptures to lead us and guide us. We have over 2,000 pages of scripture, plus words of the modern day prophets, as well as the testimonies of millions that all point to God and His Son Jesus Christ. In 2 Nephi 29 we read "Know ye not that the testimony of two nations (The Book of Mormon and the Bible) is a witness unto you that I am God..."


This week we did a lot of contacting. We saw some miracles and met some way cool people. I think that one of my favorite parts of missionary work is getting to 1) Study and 2) create relationships with the people here, especially the members. This church is true, and it is a blessing for both the family as well as the individual. 


Herzlichen Dank für die Stützung! Bis nächste Woche! Ich hoffe, dass es euch gut geht!




Diese Woche habe ich das Buch Johannes fertig gelesen. Es gibt Zwei Schriftstellen die mich gedrungen haben. Johannes 20: 31 "Diese aber sind aufgeschrieben, damit ihr glaubt, dass Jesus der Messias ist, der Sohn Gottes, und damit ihr durch den Glauben das Leben habt in seinem Namen." Johannes 21: 25 "Es gibt aber noch vieles andere, was Jesus getan hat. Wenn man alles aufschreiben wollte, so könnte, wie ich glaube, die ganze Welt die Bücher nicht fassen, die man schreiben müsste." Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass wir die Heilige Schriften haben, um uns zu leiten und zu führen. Wir haben über 2,000 Seite, die Wörter der Propheten, sowie die Zeugnisse der Millionen, die von Gott und Jesus Christus bezeugen. In 2 Nephi 29 lesen wir "Wißt ihr nicht, daß das Zeugnis zweier Nationen für euch ein Beweis ist, daß ich Gott bin..."



Elder Augat next to the Rhein river.

Liebe Grüße an Alles!


This week was very good. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened, but it was just overall a good week. 


Recently I have been studying a lot in the Bible. There are some pretty cool teachings in the Bible. I do have to say something about the Bible though. Actually, Joseph Smith said it.  He said 'for the teachers of religion of the different sects understood the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by an appeal to the Bible.' This is why a second book, The Book of Mormon, is necessary. It helps us to better understand and build on the teachings in the Bible. The Book of Mormon is like the lower light that helps us to know which direction we should follow. Jesus himself said that 'the way to eternal life is narrow, and few there be that find it.' It only confirms and strengthens the testimony of the Bible that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, as well as adds to the teachings of the Bible. 


This week we have been really focusing on transportation contacting. We set a goal to talk to more people on buses and trains. Let me say, that we have been seeing miracles. It is cool to see that everyone has their own life story and experiences. That is just all of the more motivation to talk to them. We are all children of our Father in Heaven, and all unique and different. It is so cool to get to know other people and help them receive the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Moroni 8:10 is a big motivation for me to spread the gospel. 


Sorry for the short email. Ich hoffe, dass es euch alles gut geht! Bis nächste Woche! Es tut mir Leid, dass ich keine deutsche Übersetzung gemacht habe. Ich habe zu weniger Zeit.



The Force is strong with these missionaries!

Hallo! Noch eine Woche schon vorbei!


This week was pretty good. It was a lot busier than the last one, so that is good! A lot of going door to door and street contacting, A lot more lessons and teaching. The weather is starting to get colder and colder as well, so that is also good!


So every month we pick a topic to study as an entire mission. This month is The Atonement. I don't think I have to say that much more about that because it is pretty self-explanatory how amazing it is. We have been talking a lot about our personal relationship with the Savior and the Enabling Power of the Atonement. The Enabling Power of the Atonement, or Grace, is the coolest topic. It is hard to describe because it just surpasses our understanding. My last companion, and also trainer, liked to explain it using a story from the New Testament. It is the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. He took 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes to feed five thousand. The Atonement of Jesus Christ expands our talents and abilities. It helps us to cope with challenges. More importantly it frees us from the guilt and shame of sin and breaks the bands of death (1Corinthians 15: 51-58), allowing all (Helaman 3: 28) to return to God's presence to be judged according to our works (Alma 42: 27). We can live with our families forever (Moroni 8: 10). 


The Atonement of Jesus Christ is there, and the gospel is how we apply it in our lives. Elder Brian K. Ashton gave a really good talk in last general conference about exactly what the gospel, or doctrine, of Jesus Christ is. You can also find it in the Book of Mormon a lot (2 Nephi 31). 


Danke euch! Danke für die Unterstützung! Bis nächste Woche! 






Jede Monat wählen wir als einer gesamte Mission, ein Thema, aus, womit wir uns beschäftigen. 
Diese Monat haben wir die Gelegenheit, das Sühnopfer Jesu Christi zu studieren. Es ist einfach wunderbar, das Sühnopfer Jesu Christ studieren zu können. Die Gnade Jesu Christi ist eine von mein Lieblingsthemas. Die Gnade Jesu Christi macht es uns möglich, unsere Fähigkeiten und Talents zu erweitern. Noch wichtiger steht darin, dass es uns ermöglicht, die Sünde und das Tod zu überwinden, damit wir in der Gegenwart Gottes mitgebracht werden dürfen, um gemäß unserer Täte gerichtet zu werden. Alle die Schuld und Scham können weggenommen werden, wegen des Sühnopfers Jesu Christi. Jesus Christus kann unsere Freude und Frieden groß machen. Er kann uns helfen, mit unsere Herausforderungen fertig zu werden. Wegen Jesus Christus können wir gemeinsam mit unsere Familie auf Ewig leben.


Das Sühnopfer Jesu Christi steht da. Wir wenden es an, indem wir nach das Evangelium Jesu Christi leben. Elder Brian K. Ashton hat eine sehr tolle Ansprache in Generalkonfernz gegeben. Sie geht darum, was genau das Evangelium, oder Lehre, Christi ist. Das Evangelium ist auch deutlich und klar im Buch Mormon zu finden (2 Nephi 31). 

Hallo! Noch eine Woche schon vorbei!


I hope that everything is going well. This week was pretty good. There was not too much new. We taught a couple people and met some pretty cool people. Winter is also almost here! We are already seeing a lot of Christmas decorations! We also had the first sacrament meeting from the new branch here, Zweig Eifel! 


Since not that much happened this week, I think I just want to share a couple of things that I have been learning since being in the mission field. 


I think that one thing I have been learning (and I am learning a lot) is how important the gospel of Jesus Christ is in our lives. Not only the gospel, but living by it. Studying the scriptures, having the spirit with us, going to church, and following the commandments are all so crucial in our lives. These are not just important on the eternal perspective, but, honestly, they help us to have more direction and happiness in life. I can really bare testimony about that since being on a mission, and by putting Christ and his teachings in front of everything else. This life is crazy, especially today in this world. Jesus Christ died for us. Living by the gospel of Jesus Christ is how we apply the Atonement in our lives. "We find more peace and happiness in this life from the gospel, than by anything else." In John 7: 17 it says "If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself." That doesn't mean that we will not have hard times, but we can always find peace and joy, even in those hard times.


After that, we read in 2 Nephi 2: 8, "Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah..." Missionary work is important! It is not just work for full time missionaries. Missionaries may do the initial teaching, but members are very, very important in missionary work. Joseph Smith said, "After all this, the most important thing we have to do is preach the gospel."


Ich bedanke mich wegen eurer Stützung! Die Kirche ist wahr! Bis nächste Woche!


Es tut mir Leid, dass ich keine deutsche Übersetzung machen kann. Ich habe weniger Zeit. Ich möchte trotzdem etwas kleines mitteilen. Etwas, dass ich gelernt habe. Das Buch Mormon ist mächtig. Manchmal ist es schwer, auf einem Mission zu sein. Insbesondere wenn niemand möchtet, mir zu zuhören. Das Buch Mormon ist immer meine Zuflucht. Es tröstet mich (mir?). Es ist tatsächlich das Wort Gottes und es ist wahr. Meine Einladung für Alle, die jetzt liest, ist Das Buch Mormon zu lesen, auch wenn du es schon gelesen hast. Dann kann man herausfinden, weshalb ich dieses Buch liebe. 


Danke schön! Ich entschuldige mich wegen der kürzte Abschnitt und mein Deutsch.

Größe an alles! Es geht mir hier gut, wie immer. 


We are continuing to meet so many cool people. A mission really is the most rewarding experience. Today is Tag der Deutschen Einheit. On 3 September, 1989, the Berlin Wall was torn down, which united East and West Germany. Maybe it was a coincidence, but during my personal study today, I came across this scripture in Luke 11: 17: "...Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth." I thought that that was just pretty cool. I think maybe this is a sign that my theory of Germany being the promised land is true.



Kaleb in the promised land!


There was nothing too new this week. We always have a lot going on, but nothing too out of the ordinary. I have been reading a lot recently in both the Book of Mormon, as well as the New Testament. There is just so much cool things to learn from the scriptures. Today I was reading in the Gospel according to Luke. Luke 12: 50 "But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished!" The footnote for "baptism" brings you to Mosiah 3: 7. I think it is cool to see that Jesus had a goal, The Atonement, and he was driven to accomplish it. Then in Luke 9: 62 "And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Jesus Christ was the perfect example, even in setting and achieving goals. 


"...for behold, have ye not observed the steadiness of thy brother, his faithfulness, and his diligence in keeping the commandments of God? Behold, has he not set a good example for thee?" It is crazy that Aaron gets home this week. "His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord." The Lord's work is moving forward. I am so glad to be a part of it. 


Danke für alle die Unterstützung! Ihr seid toll! Bis nächste Woche! 




Ich werde meine deutsche Übersetzung zusammenfassen, weil ich nicht zu viel Zeit dafür habe. 


In Bezug auf Tag der Deutschen Einheit, habe ich eine Schriftstelle in Lukas 11, 17 gefunden. Es lautet "Jedes Reich, das in sich gespalten ist, wird veröden und ein Haus ums andere stürzt ein." Ich glaube, dass das meine Theorie bestätigt, dass Deutschland das verheißene Land ist. 


Vor kurzem habe ich viel im Buch Mormon, als auch im Neues Testament gelesen. Ich habe ein paar tolle Schriftstellen gelesen. Lukas 12, 50 "50 Ich muss mit einer Taufe getauft werden und ich bin sehr bedrückt, solange sie noch nicht vollzogen ist." Auf Englisch gibt es eine Verbindung mit diese Schriftstelle, die sich in Mosia 3, 7 findet. Jesus Christus hatte ein Ziel und er hat es vollbracht. Dann gibt es noch eine Schriftstelle in Lukas 9, 62, "62 Jesus erwiderte ihm: Keiner, der die Hand an den Pflug gelegt hat und nochmals zurückblickt, taugt für das Reich Gottes." Jesus ist der perfektes Beispiel, auch wenn es dazu kommt, wie Mann Ziele setzt. 


"...denn siehe, hast du nicht die Beständigkeit deines Bruders, seine Glaubenstreue und seinen Eifer im Halten der Gebote Gottes beachtet? Siehe, hat er dir nicht ein gutes Beispiel gegeben?" Es ist verrückt, dass Aaron am MITTWOCH heimkehrt. Wie schnell die Zeit vorbeigeht. "Sein Herr sagte zu ihm: Sehr gut, du bist ein tüchtiger und treuer Diener. Du bist im Kleinen ein treuer Verwalter gewesen, ich will dir eine große Aufgabe übertragen. Komm, nimm teil an der Freude deines Herrn!" Was für ein Beispiel er für mich ist. Ich bin sehr dankbar, solch ein Bruder haben zu können. 

I hope everyone is doing well. 


This week was amazing. Lots and lots of miracles. It's amazing to see the Lord's hand in our lives. All we have to do is open our eyes and be humble enough to realize it. It's like in Moroni's promise at the end of the Book of Mormon. "I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men,... and ponder it in your hearts." We can also apply this to our personal lives. 


A lot of things happened this week. We set a baptismal date, met some way cool people, and met with a pastor. One of the coolest things that happened this week, yesterday actually, and I am so thankful that I could be a part of it, is that the Zülpich Group is no longer a group. We are now ZWEIG EIFEL, our own branch. That was probably the most amazing sacrament meeting I've been to. The Spirit was so strong the entire meeting. The bishop from the ward in Bonn (which we used to be apart of before we became a branch) shared a scripture block that I liked a lot. It is in 1 Thessalonians 5: 11-22. In German, the heading to this sections says "Anweisungen für das Gemeindeleben," translated to "direction for love in the community (ward)." Pretty cool. I am very excited for this new branch. Our area just about "one-and-a-halfed" in size. 


This Church is the Church of Jesus Christ restored again to the earth. "The time shall come when all shall see the salvation of the Lord... every nation, kindred, tongue..." "The keys of the kingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth, and from thence shall the gospel roll forth unto the ends of the earth, as the stone which is cut out of the mountain without hands shall roll forth, until it has filled the whole earth."


I hope everyone will have a good week! Thanks for all of the support! 




Ich hoffe, dass es euch alles gut geht. 


Diese Woche war wunderbar. Viele Wunder sind geschehen. Es ist wunderschön, die Hände Gottes in unser Dasein einzusehen. Alles, was wir tun müssen, ist unsere Augen zu öffnen und uns demütigen, um die Wirke Gottes in unser Dasein sehen zu können. Es ist auch in Moronis Zusage so, am Ende des Buches Mormon. " ich möchte euch ermahnen, wenn ihr dieses hier lesen werdet, sofern es nach Gottes Weisheit ist, daß ihr es lest, daß ihr daran denkt, wie barmherzig der Herr zu den Menschenkindern gewesen ist,... da ihr dieses hier empfangen werdet, und daß ihr im Herzen darüber nachdenkt." So sollen wir in unser Leben anwenden. 


Vieles ist diese Woche geschehen. Wir haben ein Tauftermin festgelegt, wir sind tolle Menschen begegnen und wir haben uns mit einem Pastor getroffen. Am besten Teil von dieser Woche steht darin, dass wir nicht mehr die Zülpich Gruppe sind. Jetzt sind wir ZWEIG EIFEL. Wir sind einen eigenen Zweig. Das war unbedingt die beste Abendmahlsversammlung. Ich habe den Geist sehr stark gespürt. Der Geist war zu spüren. Der Bischof hat eine Schriftstelle mitgeteilt, die sich in 1. Thessolanischer 5, 11-22 findet. Es spricht über die Gemeindeliebe. Es ist ganz toll. Es gefällt mir sehr. Unser Arbeitsgebiet ist größer geworden. Ich bin sehr begeistert. 


Die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage ist die Kirche Jesu Christi, die durch ein Prophet Gottes wiederhergestellt worden ist. "Die Zeit wird kommen, da alle die Errettung des Herrn sehen werden, da jede Nation, jedes Geschlecht, jede Sprache und jedes Volk Aug in Auge sehen und vor Gott bekennen wird, daß seine Richtersprüche gerecht sind." "und von da an wird das Evangelium bis an die Enden der Erde hinrollen; gleichwie der Stein, der sich ohne das Zutun von Händen vom Berg löst, dahinrollen wird, bis er die ganze Erde erfüllt hat."


Schöne Woche noch! Danke für alle die Stützung!

Größe ich!


I hope everything is going well with everyone. This week was very good by us. The weather is finally starting to cool off, so I hope it stays like this. This week we had a Straße Ausstellung (street display) in Bonn. It was awesome. I love doing these because we talk to everyone. When I talk to everyone, I feel like I am actually doing work. We meet a lot of cool people here. I also have never been mistaken so much before for being Zeugen Jehovah. Other than that, this week was a lot of go-by's and dooring.



I think one of the coolest things about being a missionary is hearing your investigators pray. When they pray sincerely, the spirit is always there. Not only does it help investigators receive a confirmation of the truth, but it also confirms to us, as missionaries, that what we are doing is right. Isn't it weird to think about how the spirit works? God sends a messenger to give us confirmations of truth (Moroni 10: 5), as well as guidance (1 Nephi 4: 6) and comfort (John 15: 26), through our thoughts and feelings (D&C 9: 8-9). It is unexplainable, but "Oh then, is not this real? (Alma 32: 35)"


Usually I like to share something from the Book of Mormon. Right now I am in the war chapters. If the Book of Mormon doesn't contain the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ (which it does), it is just a good book. It just makes sense to me how a farm boy with no education could make up a 531 page book with a thousand years worth of history, connecting all of the dots, using Hebrew literature, prophesying about Jesus Christ, using ancient language, and leaving no holes in the story, as well as keeping it in harmony with the Bible. To me, aside from the spiritual confirmation (Moroni 10: 3-5), the book itself is a testimony of its divinity.


Vielen Dank für die Stützung! Ihr seid toll! Schöne Woche noch!

Größe ich! Ich hoffe, daß es euch alles gut geht. Noch eine Woche ist vorbeigegangen. Verrückt!

Everything here is going well, except for the fact that BVB lost. Trust me, everyone here is letting me know. Other than that, everything is going well. This week was hard, but satisfying. There is a certain satisfaction that one gets after hard work. We had the chance to go to Dortmund this week for Zone conference. It is always good to be able to go to the exalted city in the celestial country.



Euskirchen is still amazing. The people here are really starting to progress. The Lord has been preparing them. Aside from the people, the landscape here is just amazing. The Eifel area is famous for its hiking and mountain biking. It is very green, pretty rural, and, right now, hot.


This week was a mix of everything, but one thing that stuck out to me the most was when I was reading in Alma 32-34. Amazing, amazing chapters. It is really amazing how much we can take from a short couple of chapters. Everyone can take something different and it will be meaningful to him or her personally. It is amazing how, if we really take the time to let the scriptures sink into our hearts, we can learn so much, and the Lord WILL answer our prayers. This is what I got from these chapters:


Alma 32 - what is faith? how can I know if something is true? how does my faith grow? One of my favorite verses is verse 35, "O then, is this not real?" It is real. Alma 33 and 34- how do I grow my faith? We grow our faith by scripture study and prayer. Where do we put our faith? In Christ. The prophets testify of Christ. Moses testified of Christ. There are many symbols and pointers in the Old Testament that point toward Christ (think the brass serpent, and how the people were healed). Verse 14, "Now behold, my brethren, I would ask if ye have read the scriptures? If ye have, how can ye disbelieve on the Son of God?" Alma 34 - This is one of my favorite chapters in the Book of Mormon. Amulek just straight up testifies of Christ, and why an Atonement is necessary. One of my favorite verses, verse 14, "And behold, this is the whole meaning of the law (of Moses), every whit pointing to that great and last sacrifice; and that great and last sacrifice will be the Son of God, yea, infinite and eternal."


Jesus is the Christ. Have a good week. 




Alles geht mir hier gut, außer daß die Tatsache, daß der BVB verloren hat. Schade. Vertraut mir, kriege ich viel Quatsch. Außerdem alles geht mir gut. Vorige Woche war schwer, sondern zufriedene. Es gibt eine spezifische Gefühl, das Man sich fühlt, das von gute, harte Arbeit kommt. Wir hatten die Chance, vorige Woche für Zone Konferenz nach Dortmund zu fahren. Es ist stets gut, nach eine hohe Stadt in einer celestiale Land zu fahren.


Euskirchen ist immer noch genial. Die Menschen hier fangen an, Fortschritt zu machen. Der Herr breitete dieses Volk vor. Die Menschen fangen wahrhaftig an, Fortschritt zu machen. Außerdem die Menschen, die Landschaft hier ist einfach fantastische. Das Eifelgebiet ist berühmt wegen seine Wandern und Fahrrad fahren in der Berge. Es ist sehr grün, nicht so groß, und gerade sehr sehr heiß.


Vorige Woche enthaltet alles darin. Eine Erfahrung, die ich ans Licht bringen möchte, ist das, was ich im Buch Mormon gelesen habe, nämlich in Alma 32-34. Tolle tolle Kapitelle. Es ist wahrhaftig genial, wie viel wir lernen können, als wir in einem kurzem Abschnitt vom Buch Mormon lesen. Jedermann kann etwas unterschiedlich davon erfahren, was er im Buch Mormon gelesen haben und es ist sehr persönlich und bedeutungsvoll. Wenn wir eine Frage hätten, dann können wir im Buch Mormon lesen. Gott WILL euch antworten. Hier ist das, was ich davon erfährt habe:


Alma 32 - was ist der Glaube? wie wächst der Glaube? Wie kann man wissen, was wahr ist? Eine von meine Lieblingsschrif findet sich in Vers 35, "O ist dies dann nicht etwas Wirkliches?" Es ist etwas Wirkliches. Alma 33-34 - wie wächst man seiner Glaube? Durch Schrifftstudium und das Gebet. Woran setzen wir unserer Glaube? An Christus. Die Propheten bezeugen von Christus. Mose bezeugtet von Christus. Es gibt viele Symbols und Hinweis im Altes Testament, die von Christus prophezeien (denkt daran, die Messingschlange, wodurch alle die Menschen geheilt worden waren). Vers 14, "Nun siehe, meine Brüder, ich möchte fragen, ob ihr die Schriften gelesen habt? Wenn ja, wie könnt ihr dann nicht an den Sohn Gottes glauben?" Alma 34 - Unbedingt ist diese Kapitell eine von meine Lieblingskapitelle von der Ganze Heilige Schrift. Amulek bezeugt bloß von Jesus Christus und, warum ein Sünohpfer notwendig ist. Eine von meine Lieblingsverse findet sich in Vers 14, "Und siehe, dies ist die ganze Bedeutung des Gesetzes (Gesetz des Moses) --jedes kleinste Teil deutet auf das große und letzte Opfer hin; und dieses große und letzte Opfer wird der Sohn Gottes sein, ja, unbegrenzt und ewig."


Jesus ist der Christus. Schöne Woche noch.

Hallo! Begröße ich! 


Hope everything is going well with everyone. It is going very well here. We are meeting some way cool people and are seeing miracles everyday. In this email, I would like to share one of those miracles. 


In Euskirchen, since it is not too big of a city, we knock on a lot of doors in the villages around the city. This week we were in a village called Derkum. We have a small map of every city we go dooring in, and we mark where we have already doored. I gave this map to my companion, and told him to pick a spot that we haven't already doored. He picked a spot on the map, and we went there. We prayed and asked if it was the right street to door. My companion and I both felt that it was the right street. We found two, very solid potentials on this street, that live right next to eachother. We gave each of them a Book of Mormon and they wanted us to come back in a couple of weeks to follow up. After we got done dooring this street, my companion and I sat down on a park bench to find out where we should go next. We pulled out the map, and we realized that missionaries have already doored the street that we just doored. It turns out that we did not door the street that we were going to. But we prayed about it, and we felt good about it, so we did it. And we found two people (one family) that accepted a Book of Mormon and have a lot of potential to accept this message. 


This week was also cool because we got to see the Freiberg Temple rededication. We had a chance to hear both Elder Uchtdorf and Elder Bednar speak the Celestial Language. It was awesome. This is what it means in 2 Nephi 32 when it says that "they will speak with the tongue of angels." Aside from all of that, there was a quote that stuck out to me from this session: 


"Nothing will surprise us more when we get to heaven, than how well we know our Heavenly Father."


Just think about that for a while. We are literally His children, and we are on the Earth for a reason.


I am learning so much from the scriptures. Too much to tell. The scriptures are amazing, like I say every week. Elder Holland said that "the scriptures are great because they point away from themselves, and point toward Him, in whom we should put our trust, namely Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer." I can testify of that. The scriptures are true. This Church is true. Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Only Begotten, Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is evidence of that. 


Danke für alle die Stützung! Ihr seid fantastische! Schönne Woche noch!

Servus! Ich hoffe, dass es euch alle gut geht. Es geht mir gut. Noch eine Woche ist schon vorbei. Die Zeit geht ganz schnell!


This week was very good. We met and taught some pretty cool people. The members have been helping us out a lot here. They are really amazing. Other than that, there was nothing really too out of the ordinary.


The Bundesliga started this last weekend! Now I can actually start conversations with people without being so awkward about it (because that is all I know). There is definitely an atmosphere around here when the Bundesliga is going on, though.


Recently I have been reading a lot in the Book of Mormon. It is amazing how much it testifies of Christ. Some of my favorite chapters are Mosiah 12-16, when Abinadi Is testifying to King Noah and his court. The more I grow my understanding and appreciation for the gospel, the more I start to understand the Book of Mormon and appreciate the words in it. Abinadi was an amazing teacher. He quotes Isaiah, expounds his words, for four or five chapters straight testifies of Christ and His Atonement, and then seals his testimony with his life, not willing to deny what he testified of. He is not the only example. Joseph Smith is also a great example for us. He bore persecution for 24 years and sealed his testimony with his life, rather than deny what he knew was true. Elder Holland talks about Joseph Smith's testimony in a talk "Safety for the Soul." It is an amazing talk. He point I want to make is "will ye reject these words? Will ye reject the words of the prophets; and will ye reject all the words which have been spoken concerning Christ, after so many have spoken concerning him; and deny the good word of Christ, and the power of God, and the gift of the Holy Ghost, and quench the Holy Spirit, and make a mock of the great plan of redemption, which hath been laid for you? (Jacob 6:8)"


There are so many witnesses of Christ. We have about 2000 pages of scripture in our standard works, plus much, much more from modern day prophets and testimonies of everyday people. "Now behold, my brethren, I would ask if ye have read the scriptures? If ye have, how can ye disbelieve on the Son of God? (Alma 33: 14)"


The scriptures are amazing. Read them.


Danke euch! Die Kirche ist wahr! Schöne Woche noch! 




Diese Woche war ziemlich gut. Wir haben ein paar coole Menschen begegnen und belehrt. Die Mitglieder helfen uns viel. Sie sind tatsächlich genial. Außerdem das, gibt es Nichts ungewöhnliches.


Der Bundesliga ist voriges Wochenende angefangen! Jetzt kann ich tatsächlich mit Menschen sprechen, weil das alles ist, was ich über sprechen kann! Es gibt unbedingt eine Atmosphäre hier, während der Bundesliga Saison.


Kürzlich habe ich viel im Buch Mormon gelesen. Es ist genial, wie viel es wirklich von Jesus Christus bezeugt. Eine von meine Lieblingsschrifstellen findet sich in Mosia 12-16. Abinadi bezeugt gegen Königen Noah und seine Priestern. Je mehr ich vom Evangelium Jesu Christi erfahre, desto mehr ich die Heilige Schriften und ihre Lehre verstehe, respektiere und anwende, was alles darin steht. Abiniadi war einer ganz fantastisch Lehrer. tut mir Leid. Ich habe nicht genug Zeit, die Reste zu übersetzen. Um zu zusammenfassen: lest in der Heilige Schriften! Sie beweisen von Christus und sein Sühnopfer!

Hallo Alle! Es geht mir sehr gut und ich hoffe, dass es euch Alles gut
geht. Deutschland ist super!


This week was pretty good. A lot of traveling. I got to spend a couple
days in Frankfurt, which was awesome. On the train ride back to
Euskirchen, we rode next to the Rhein the entire time. It was so cool.
I'll try to send a video clip because it was definitely one of the
coolest train rides anybody could take.


Since we were traveling a lot this week, we didn't really get to teach
a lot. That doesn't mean that it wasn't a great week, though. There
are so many meaningful experiences that come from the scriptures. I
feel like I do this every week, but I would just like to share
something that I have learned from personal study.


I would like to share a scripture I read recently that talks about the
scriptures. Jacob 1: 10-11. In this scripture there was a man who
denied the Christ. He wanted to persuade Jacob that there was no
Christ. This is what Jacob told him:


10 And I said unto him: Believest thou the scriptures? And he said, Yea.


11 And I said unto him: Then ye do not understand them; for they truly


testify of Christ. Behold, I say unto you that none of the prophets
have written, nor prophesied, save they have spoken concerning this


I think that this is so cool. Jacob is one of my favorites. The
scriptures, Old and New Testament, The Book of Mormon, D&C, The Pearl
of Great Price, and the words of modern day prophets all have one
purpose: to prophesy of Christ. They tell us how we can have life more
abundantly and eternal life in the next (John 10: 9-11). We just need
to live the principles found in these words. It is not easy,
especially in this world and its values, but Elder Holland said that
"salvation is not easy." Remember, as it says in Jacob 5: 20-23, the
trees that were planted in hard ground brought forth much fruit. "And
let us not be aweary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap,
if we faint not (Galatians 6:9)." I extend the same invitation as
Nephi: "Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ;
for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye
should do. (2 Nephi 32: 3)."


The Church is True.


Danke für alle die Stützung! Ich habe euch Lieb! Bis nächste Woche!

Elder Augat will be training a new missionary. His name is Elder Fromm and they will be heading back to Euskirchen from Frankfurt.


If I were to put on my Pysch hat, my guess is Elder Fromm is from Europe. Probably Germany. Fromm is a german name and he is carrying a Thule (swedish) shoulder bag which is more common in Europe.


He could also be an American-German like Kaleb.


Update...his is from Idaho!



Elder Fromm and Elder Augat

Hallo Alles! Es geht mir gut. Genau so wie immer. Ich hoffe, dass es euch alles gut geht. 


This week was very good. Nothing out of the ordinary (for missionary work at least), but just a good, solid week. 


Missions are just amazing. I don´t know what else to say. You get to meet so many people, help them to strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ, and at the same time, you strengthen your own conversion. It is not easy, nothing is easy, but it is more than worth it. Elder Holland said that "Salvation is not easy."


This week I just want to share a scripture that hit me hard. It is in Matthew 14:31. This is when Jesus is walking on the water, and then Peter starts to walk out to him. Peter saw all of the waves and started to doubt, so he started to sink, and he cried out to Jesus. "And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" This scripture hit me hard. There are so many parallels from this scripture that we can apply to our lives. I will just share a couple viewpoints that I took away from it: 1) We are helpless without the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Jesus lifts us up when we cannot otherwise stand. 2) Jesus IMMEDIATELY stretched forth His hand. He wants us to come to Him. He wants us to succeed. We just have to let Him into our lives. We cannot let our "little faith" get in the way. "Wherefore can (we) doubt?" The nice thing about this is that the grace of Jesus Christ is sufficient. He will always stretch forth His hand when we sink. 


The scriptures are so cool. Really. We can learn so much from them, especially when we "liken them unto ourselves." They are the words of Christ, and "the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do." They "heal the wounded soul." I can give testimony of the power that comes from the scriptures, especially the Book of Mormon. They are gifts from God to point us in the right direction. John Bytheway said that "if we want to talk to God, pray. If we want God to talk to us, read the scriptures." 


Vielen Dank für eure Stützung! Ihr seid fantastische! Die Kirche ist wahr!




Die vorige Woche war sehr gut. Nichts besonders (für Missionsarbeit) ist passiert. Es war aber einfach eine gute Woche. 


Einer Mission ist einfach fantastische. Ich habe keine Ahnung was ich sonst noch darüber sagen kann. Man hat die Gelegenheit mit so viele Leute kennenzulernen. Wir helfen ihnen ihre beziehung zu Jesus Christus zu stärken, dabei wir unsere eigine Bekehrung stärken. Es ist nicht leicht. Nichst ist leicht. Ist lohnt uns aber. Elder Holland sagte "die Errettung ist nicht leicht."


Diese Woche möchte ich einfach eine Schriftstelle mitteilen, die mir viel geholfen hat, meine Bekehrung zu stärken. Sie findet sich in Matthäous 14, 31. Diese Geschichte ist die Geschichte, die wann Jesus auf dem Wasser läuft. Petrus wollte, zu Jesus zu laufen. Er sah die Wellen und er fing an, Angst zu haben. Er schrie nach Jesus. "Jesus streckte sofort die Hand aus, ergriff ihn und sagte zu ihm: Du Kleingläubiger, warum hast du gezweifelt." Diese Geschichte hat mir viel geholfen. Es gibt viele Dinge, die wir von diese Geschichte in unser eigene Leben anwenden können. Ich möchte ein paar Dinge von meine Standpunkt mitteilen, die ich herausgefunden habe: 1) Wir kann gar nichts tun ohne das Sünohpfer Jesu Christi. Jesus hebt uns auf, wenn wir nicht können. 2) Jesus streckte SOFORT die Hand aus. Er möchtet, uns zu helfen. Er möchtet, dass wir zu ihm kommen. Er möchtet, dass wir gelingen werden. Wir müssen ihn in unser Leben eintreten lassen. Wir können nicht "Kleingläubiger" sein. "Warum zweifeln wir?" Die Gnade Christi ist aber genüg. Er will auf jeden Fall seine Hand ausstecken, um uns aufzuheben. 


Die Heilige Schriften sind ehrlich wunderbar. Wirklich. Wir können so viel davon lernen. Insbesondere, wenn wir die in unser Leben anwenden. Sie sind die Worte Christi und die "Worte von Christus werden euch alles sagen, was ihr tun sollt." Sie "heilen die verwundete Seele." Ich kann mein Zeugnis geben davon, dass die Schriften sehr mächtig sind, spezifische Das Buch Mormon. Sie sind Gaben von Gott, um uns zu helfen, auf die richtige Fährte zu sein. John Bytheway sagte "wenn wir mit Gott sprechen möchten, dann müssen wir beten. Wenn wir aber möchten, dass Gott mit uns sprechen wird, dann müssen wir in die Schriften lesen."


Wenn ihr nicht bemerkt habt, glaube ich, dass ich nicht die Email direkt übersetz habe. Ich glaube, dass es manchmal mehr Bedeutung auf deutsch hat, weil es nicht eine direkte Übersetzung gibt. Manchmal ist es aber Bedeutungsvoller auf englisch. Es ist cool, die Unterschied zwischen die Sprache zu erkennen.

I am going to send you this experience that happened. I don't think I want to send it in the mass email, but it is funny. This was my third week out, so about 9 weeks ago.


There is a new convert in our group named 'Juliet.' She is a single mother from Africa. She has 5 little kids. Her oldest son, Dennis, was going to get baptized in the next couple weeks, and Juliet wanted us to teach him the missionary lessons just so he could get an idea of why he is getting baptized. He is about 9 years old and African. We couldn't teach him inside a house without a member, so we just went and sat at a park bench. 


We were teaching him the plan of salvation. We had small cutouts that we laid on the ground to help him visualize the whole thing. In the middle of this, there were two Muslim guys that came and sat about 10 yards away from us. They just started staring out us. Dennis is really insecure and has a form of ADHD, so he started crying because they were staring at us. My companion just turned to them and asked 'Alles klar?' The two guys started freaking out and saying stuff like 'are you saying I am a bad person because I am a Muslim' and stuff like that. Then, out of nowhere, another guy came and just said that we should never come knock on his door. 


There was an old lady who heard the noise from her apartment. She came out and asked if we were a American. We said yes. She asked us what we were doing. We just told her that we were teaching this kid about Jesus Christ. She stopped, then started yelling at us: "oh? Jesus Christ?" Then she started cussing at us and was telling us to get lost and go back to America. She started to say some stuff about Donald trump and then started hitting me with her umbrella. At the same time, Dennis is standing up, balling his eyes out and kicking the cement with his foot, and the two Muslim guys are still yelling. So my companion and I just left with Dennis. I was in shock for a little bit after that, but it was funny. This whole thing took less than a minute to happen. So crazy, but also rare. I don't think this sort of thing happens very often. 

Hallo Alles! Mir geht es sehr gut. Deutschland ist einfach
fantastische. Ich hoffe das es euch alles gut geht.


In this email I would like to just share an experience that I have had
recently. Isn't it crazy that I left to the MTC almost 4 months ago?
Time is going by so fast.


In this part of the Frankfurt mission, we do a lot of dooring. We have
probably knocked on like a thousand doors. This last week, someone
actually let us in! My companion and I seriously thought it was a
joke. We had barely introduced ourselves as missionaries for The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, when he just said 'yeah
come in.' My companion and I just looked at each other and then walked
in. It was so unexpected. We have never actually been let in before.
We ended up just talking about The Book of Mormon and the questions
that it answers to a young married couple, and the wife is 7 months
pregnant. She is from the Philippines and he is straight up Deutsch.
We read Moroni 10 with them and set another appointment with them. At
the end of the discussion, the wife said the prayer. It was amazing,
but no baptismal date... Yet.


It is experiences like these when I realize why I am here, and how
much the gospel is a blessing for the family. A scripture that I think
captures this really well is Moroni 8:10. Imagine how many lives could
be blessed from one couple accepting, living, and teaching the gospel
to their children. Then them to their children, and their children,
and so on. The happiness and the joy that comes from the restored
gospel is THE biggest blessing for the family, and through it we can
take our relationships into eternity.


Vielen Dank für die Stützung! Gott sei mit euch. Bis nächste Woche.

Hallo Alles! Mir geht es sehr gut! Ich freue mich, daß ich wieder Emails schicken kann. Die Zeit geht sehr schnell vorbei! Ich bin shon 3 und halb Monate auf Mission. Könnt ihr das glauben?


I am loving it here. It is hard work, but good work. Lasst uns nicht müde, Gutes zu tun! (I don't know how to quote that in English). 


I am learning seriously so much. A lot of it comes from experience, and a lot of it comes through prayerful study. If you don't study the gospel daily, my invitation is simply this: do it! It will really help your life go so much better. You will have the spirit more abundantly, and you will be in a better mood, let alone expand your understanding of the gospel. 


This week I have had the opportunity to study a lot about Jesus Christ. Just Jesus Christ, and why He is so important. We have a couple of investigators who are Muslim, and they don't believe in Christ as the Son of God. I have found some 'ganz' coole scriptures:


2 Nephi 9: 6 - Jesus was born of Mary, the Prince of Peace.
1 John 4: 9-10 & John 3:16 - God loves us so He sent His Son to be propitition for our sins.
Matthew 11:28-30 - One of my favorite scriptures. Through Christ, our burdens will be made light. 
2 Corinthians 5:17 - Also one of my favorite scriptures. Through Christ, we can become new.


There are so many scriptures that testify of Christ, especially in the Book of Mormon. I just want to add my testimony to the many tesimonies of Jesus Christ found in the scriptures. Through Christ, and only through Christ, can we become clean from our sins. We can be freed from all of our guilt, and we can receive peace of consciounce and happiness in this life. I can testify of the cleansing power and strength that comes from the Atonement of Jesus Christ. No matter what people say about faith, about religion, Jesus is the Christ, and it is only through His Atonement and following the Restored Gospel that we can reach our eternal potential and live in God's presence again. 


Er lebt! 


Vielen Dank für Alles! Ich freue mich, daß (hoffentlich) Alles gut geht! Bis nächste Woche!



Alles gut! This week was full of ups and downs, as is everyweek, but this one especially. European missions are probably a lot different than everywhere else. We talk to a LOT of people. 
This week, we had a split with the Assisstants to the President. Let me tell you, they take talking to everyone to a whole different level. 


In Germany we have what we call the 'Fuß.' The Fuß is usually in the middle of the city, and there are no cars, but a lot of stores and a lot people. It is similar to the strip in Las Vegas, but not so big and not so bad. This is where we talk to everyone. The Assistants showed us how it was done. We were stopping people on bikes, talking to people that were on their phone, and stopping everyone else we could. We literally took an hour to move about 30 yards because we were talking to so much people. It was awesome. 


From this experience, not only did I learn a lot about missionary work, but I learned a lot about how, a lot of the times, the Lord answers our prayers through other people. In this case, He definitely did. 


We can also look at this experience from a different perspective. The Assisstants said that they were prompted by the spirit to come to this area. Trust me, it was definitely inspired. Let us always be in tune with, and follow the promptings of the spirit, and try to be a blessing to others, not a burden. When we see things from God's eyes, we can see that we are all in this together. We all have the same goal in being here, whether we know it or not: to return to live with God. It reminds me of a scripture in 1 Samuel 16:7.


I am learning so much, and I can't write all of it, but if you are interested, I recommend a really cool scripture in Revelation 21: 3-7. (I like to compare it to Alma 5:16)


Vielen Dank für alle eure Unterstützung! Ich habe euch Lieb! Bis nächste Woche!






Alles gut! Diese Woche war beide gut und schlecht, wie jede andere Woche aber besonders diese Woche. Missions in Europa sind warscheinlich ganz anders von andere Lände. Wir reden with eine MENGE Menschen. Diese Woche hatten wir ein Austausch bei die Assisstänten des Präsidents. Lasst ihr mir sagen: Sie sprechen buchstäblich mit Jeder. 


In Deutschland haben wir, was wir den Fuß nennen. Es ist gewöhnlich in der Innenstadt. Es gibt kein Autos, sondern es gibt viele Laden und Leute. Es ist ähnlich wie 'the strip' in Las Vegas, sondern nicht so groß und auch nicht so übel. Dieser Platz ist wo wir mit Jedermann sprechen. Die Assisstänten haben uns gezeigt, wie wir es tun sollen. Wir haben Menschen auf Fahrräder, Menschen, die auf Handy waren und Jedermann gestoppt. Es hat gegen eine Stunde gedauert, 20 Meter zu laufen, denn wir haben mit so viele Leute gesprochen. Es war fantastische. 


Von diese Erfahrung, nicht nur habe ich viel uber Missionsarbeit gelernt, aber ich habe viel gelernt, wie Gott, durch andere Menschen, unser Gebet zuhören kann. Und hat Er! 


Wir können auch von ein verschiedene Standpunkt gucken. Die Assisstänten sagten, daß sie von den Heiligen Geist geführt worden sind, zu dieser Gebiet zu kommen. Vertraut mich, es war überhaupt von Gott. Wir sollen immer würdig sein, den Heiligen geist zu spüren, erkennen und auch zu folgen. Lass uns versuchen, eine Segnung zu Andere sein, statt ein Last. Wenn wir mit die Augen Gottes gucken, können wir sehen, daß wir alle die gleiche Ziele haben, entweder wenn man das weiß oder nicht: zu Gott zurückzukehren. Es errinert mich an eine Schriftstelle, die sich in 1 Samuel 16:7 befindet. 


Ich lerne so viel, aber ich kann nich alles niederschrieben. Wenn ihr interresse darauf habt, empfehle ich eine ganze tolle Schriftstelle, die sich in Offenbarung des Johannes 21, 3-7 befindet. (Ich vergleiche es gerne mit Alma 5:16)


Vielen Dank für alle eure Unterstützung! Ich habe euch Lieb! Bis nächste Woche! Hoffentlich war mein Deutsch nicht zu schlecht. Ich habe versucht.  

Liebe Grüße!


This was a great week! I am not going to write too much due to time, but I do want to say a few things that really sealed my testimony this week. 


After coming to Germany, I realized that there are many, many different beliefs and books out there. It is easy to get lost and confused. I think that this doctrine is explained perfectly in 1 Nephi 13-14. My dad sent me the talk by Elder Holland called 'Safety for the Soul.' It talks plainly and simply about the Book of Mormon. It really gives powerful testimony of the divinity of the Book of Mormon. 
After reading this talk, I read in the Book of Mormon. Not just read, but this time I would highlight every reference to Christ and His Atonement. The Book of Mormon is powerful. 


Through the Book of Mormon, not only can one find answers to literally any question, especially questions of the soul, but one can come to know of the Divinity of Christ (that is interesting to think about: Divinity of Christ) and come to know Him and His doctrine. If the Book of Mormon is true, than everything the Church teaches is true. Every doctrine and principle. Every calling. The prophet's teachings. Some people receive doubts that seem pretty small, and end up leaving the church because of it, overlooking the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon can resolve ANY doubt. I can testify of that because of the role of the Book of Mormon in my life, my testimony, and my conversion. It really is the word of God. It contains the fulness of the gospel that was lost during the Great Apostasy. A man can come closer to God by abiding by its precepts than by any other book. 


There are so many teachings and books out there. How can we know which ones are true? How about ask God himself which book, which teachings are His? The Book of Mormon can deepen anyones conversion, and convert anyone, if only they let it. 


Ich hoffe, daß alles gut geht! Auf Wiedersehen!


We were in Bad Münstereifel proselyting. It is a Dorf in our area. It is probably one of the coolest cities I have ever been to. We just saw him (Heino) on the street. Apparently he got married there. I just wish I gave him a Book of Mormon. That would have been cool to say that I gave Heino a Book of Mormon.



It was kind of funny because it was a bunch of older people that were watching him, and then my companion and I just walked up and asked if we could take a picture with him. I got to shake his hand so that was pretty cool. 


My companion thought it was funny that I knew him by name. We see him everywhere here on ads and billboards.




Publicador de contenidos

Contenidos con etiqueta euskirchen .

Título Fecha de publicación Acciones del elemento
Week 29 - VERSETZT!!! 7/11/16
Week 28 - Die Heilige Schriften 31/10/16
Week 27 - Ein Weitere Zeuge 24/10/16
Week 26 - Die Gnade Jesu Christi 17/10/16
Week 25 - Missionarbeit 10/10/16
Week 24 - Tag der Deutschen Einheit 3/10/16
Week 23 - Zweig Eifel 26/9/16
Week 22 - Confirmation Of Truth 19/9/16
Week 21 - A Type Was Raised Up 12/9/16
Week 20 - Miracles 5/9/16
Week 19 - Scriptures Are Amazing 29/8/16
Week 18 - Scriptures Prophecy Of Christ 22/8/16
Elder Augat And Fromm 17/8/16
Week 17 - The scriptures are so cool 15/8/16
Mehr Erfahrung 8/8/16
Week 16 - Erfahrungen 8/8/16
Week 15 -Jesus der Christus 1/8/16
Week 14 - Fuß 25/7/16
Week 13 - Sicherheit für die Seele 18/7/16
Heino In Bad Münstereifel 11/7/16
Week 12 - Alma 5:16 11/7/16
Week 11 - Fasten und Beten 4/7/16
Week 10 - Fortschritt machen 27/6/16
Week 9 - Great Is The Work 20/6/16
Week 8 - Das weiß ich nicht 13/6/16
Week 7 - Euskirchen 6/6/16
Euskirchen 2/6/16