
Week 52 - Finding People To Teach

Hey everyone hope your week has been good.  This week was pretty good.  At the beginning of the week we had a multi-zone conference in Cusco so we traveled there.  The conference was really good.  Basically we talked about leaving our weapons of rebellion.  Also, our president showed us pictures from his mission and when he went back to his mission.  That got me excited to find baptisms and converts. 

After the conference we just had a full week of finding.  We were able to find quite a bit of new people to teach.  The only problem is that they have a very catholic background so they don´t want to accept any commitments.  Even if they aren´t active in the catholic church.  We found a family and invited them to baptism, but they just kept saying you can only be baptized one time, so we left it after the 3rd or 4th time.

We also helped somebody in our ward move this week.  It was pretty fun to ride in the back of a big truck.  Afterward she invited us pizza which was awesome.  Other than that, we have just been finding more and more people.

That´s about it this week.  Thanks for all you do for me.  Love you all!

Mark 14:38  "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.  The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak."
