
Week 58 - Good To Be Alive

Hey everyone.  Hope you all are doing well as always!  Stay healthy.  Everything is pretty good here in Puno.  It´s starting to rain less so it´s not as cold.  I´m excited for Christmas and tomorrow we will be in December.  I´m older than I´ve ever been and now I´m even older.


This week was a pretty good one.  We started off doing divisions.  I went with a Mexican kid in my district.  In the past he hasn´t made the smartest dicisions in the mission although they aren´t terrible things, but just talking with him and asking questions, I was able to find out that he really does want to be obedient but his companion doesn´t help out a whole lot.  So I told him to be the person to start.  He is a good missionary and a funny kid.  His namej is Elder Blancarte.  He lives pretty close to Texas (about 4 hours) and he speaks pretty good English (which he learned in the mission).


My companion and I have been working with some of the investigators that lost their baptismal date the last week and we were able to get a lot of them back.  We now have 6 with a baptismal date.  4 of them are pretty sure and the other 2 are a little bit more difficult because they need permission and their parents don ´t want to give it super easily.  But we are still working with them.

This week I found my new favorite song as well.  It´s called "Good to be Alive".  It´s on and it´s a pretty good song.  I don´t know why I like it so much.



That´s pretty much about it this week.  Not a whole lot, but it was good work.  There is also a new video out for Christmas that we will be showing to all of our investigators.  I would challenge you all to share this video with one of your friends, neighboors, family, etc. that isn´t a member and later bring the missionaries!  The video is called A Savior is Born.  Here is the link for all of you who accept the challenge!  I would hope you can all do it!  



Well, I love you all and thank you all for your support.  Keep safe and sane.  Love you all!


"¡Oh ese sutil plan del maligno!  ¡Oh las vanidades, y las flaquezas, y las necedades de los hombres!  Cuando son instruidos se creen sabios, y no escuchan el consejo de Dios, porque lo menosprecian, suponiendo que saben por sí mismos; por tanto, su sabiduría es locura, y de nada les sirve; y perecerán.  Pero bueno es ser instruido, si hacen caso de los consejos de Dios"

2 Nefi 9:28-29




Asset Publisher

Title Publish Date Item Actions
The Mission Call 10/1/14
I Made It To Peru! 10/22/14
At The Lima, Peru Temple 10/29/14
Week 1 - Getting Started 10/30/14
Week 2 - Always The Same 11/7/14
Week 3 - Mixing It Up With Pranks 11/14/14
Week 4 - Earthquake! 11/21/14
Some Pics! 11/21/14
Week 5 - El Ultimo Semana! 11/27/14
At The Mission Home In Cusco 12/2/14
Welcome Email From Mission President 12/5/14
Week 6,7 - Estamos En Cusco! 12/9/14
Welcome To The Jungle! 12/12/14
Week 8 - Puerto Maldonado 12/15/14
Week 9 - Everything Is Great! 12/22/14
Week 10 - Feliz Navidad 12/29/14
Over The River And... 12/29/14
Week 11 - Feliz Año 1/5/15
Week 12 - First Change 1/12/15
Week 13 - Another Week 1/19/15
Week 14 - Thunderstruck 1/26/15
Week 15 - Learning From Others 2/2/15
Week 16 - Rompé una Ventana 2/9/15
Week 17 - Drunk > Sober > Investigator > Member 2/16/15
Week 18 - Sick Of Bananas 2/23/15
Week 19 - Still Raining, Testimonies, Seek God 3/2/15
Week 20 - Monkey 3/9/15
Week 21 - Cuy 3/16/15
Week 22 - Time Is Flying 3/23/15
Week 23 - Same Old Puerto 3/30/15