
Week 12 - Alma 5:16

Hallo Alles! Heute werde ich vielleicht nicht ein Deutsche Email schreiben, weil ich nicht genug Zeit habe. 


Everything here is fantastische! I love it here. A lot of cool things happened this week, and I have been learning so much. It seems that I learn something new every day. My German is improving, and I am starting to understand a little more day by day. Tell you what though, the Gift of Tongues is real.


Zuerst, we set a baptismal date with a man from Africa named Max. He is awesome. His sister is a recent convert, so that is how we met him. The members here are awesome about doing missionary work. 


This week I had the opportunity to study a lot in Preach My Gospel chapter 8, which talks a lot about goal setting and accountability. It is cool to realize how much more we can progress as we set clear and meaningful goals, and then go for it. Especially when we set goals prayerfully that will help us to stretch and to grow. In fact, that is the whole reason God created this earth: so that we could learn and grow in order to become more like Him. A scripture that hit me pretty hard, and it is one of my favorites, is in Alma 5: 16. It is a very bold scripture, which I like. I love the perspective it gives us, and I have a firm belief and testimony that the principle in this scripture should be one of, if not the goal that everyone should be looking to reach.  


Something else I have learned is how to be patient. It is still a work in progress, but I find that as I pray for patience, I receive it, as well as learn and grow more. What I mean by this is that I learn so much more when I am hard working and patient, rather than hard working and stressed. It feels like a load lifted off of my shoulders. Oh, the power of the Atonement. 


Vielen Dank für alles! Ich habe euch Lieb! Bis nächste Woche! 
