
Week 57 - Christi Himmelfahrt

Liebe Grüße!

This week was pretty good. Not too much happened. Just work!

Today is Christi Himmelfahrt in Germany. After Christ was resurrected, he appeared to His Apostles and commissioned them to lead His church and too preach His gospel to the earth with His own direction through revelation, and with His authority (Mat 16: 18-19; 28: 19-20; Luke 24: 50-53; Acts 1). By about 100 AD, all of the apostles were either martyred or dead, and John, who was exiled, "mysteriously disappeared (John 21: 23-25; 3 Nephi 28: 1-10)." There are no records of these apostles conferring any authority to anyone, probably because this authority went lost, starting a time of apostasy. There was no authority, and no true church on the earth (Amos 8: 11-12; Mat 24: 9-11). Doctrine went corrupt, because there was no authority to interpret it through revelation from God (Isaiah 24: 5). There were people who realized this, and tried to reform (to make better) the Church. They turned to the scriptures, and many religions arose. However, there was still no authority to interpret correctly, and no one claimed to be a prophet from God (2 Peter 1: 20; Amos 3: 7; Proverbs 29: 18). What they did do, was create a state of religious freedom, and an open point of view so that that which went lost could be restored. It set the stage for the restoration of the gospel, the church, and the authority that all went lost (Ephesians 1: 10; 2 Thessalonians 3: 1-12). That church, the same church that Christ established, His authority, and His gospel is found in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. It was restored through a Prophet called of God, Joseph Smith. The Book of Mormon is evidence that this is true. All you have to do is read, ponder, and pray (Moroni 10: 3-5) and God will tell you if it's true (1 John 5: 9; Moroni 10: 29) through His messenger, the Holy Ghost (John 16: 13).

I know it's true.

Vielen Dank für alles!

