
Entries with tag kaiserslautern .



I write just a short email this week due to time.


I am transferred to Friedrichsdorf. The temple is there, but it is unfortunately being renovated, and won't be done until 2018. This week I have been studying in the Old Testament. I love the story  of Joseph in Genesis. He is one of my favorites. He has such a good  perspective. After all that happened, he knew that God let it happen,  and he prepared him to be on that position. Had his brothers not sold  him into Egypt, they most likely would have died due to famine. So, God is good.


Danke für alle die Unterstützung! Ich habe euch Lieb! Bis nächste Woche!

Liebe Grüße! 


Diese Woche war gut. It has gotten very cold here. Down to -11 degrees Celsius and with humidity. Unfortunately no snow. 


This week was good. We met with some interesting people and had an awesome Zone Training. This months theme for the mission was Preach My Gospel chapter 5 "The Book of Mormon." I feel like I talk about the Book of Mormon in every email, but oh well. It is an amazing book. 


Elder Tad R Callister explained a little bit about the importance of the Book of Mormon:


"The Bible is one witness of Jesus Christ; the Book of Mormon is another. Why is this second witness so crucial? The following illustration may help: How many straight lines can you draw through a single point on a piece of paper? The answer is infinite. For a moment, suppose that single point represents the Bible and that hundreds of those straight lines drawn through that point represent different interpretations of the Bible and that each of those interpretations represents a different church. What happens, however, if on that piece of paper there is a second point representing the Book of Mormon? How many straight lines could you draw between these two reference points: the Bible and the Book of Mormon? Only one. Only one interpretation of Christ’s doctrines survives the testimony of these two witnesses."


Plus there are so many promises and blessings that come from reading the Book of Mormon. Zum Beispiel, "the Book of Mormon (is) the most correct of any book on earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by any other book." There really is a power that comes from the Book of Mormon. There are probably a lot of reasons for that, but one reason I believe is because it is what some prophets have called pure doctrine. It is untouched. One translation from Joseph Smith through the power of God. We don't ask people to take our own word for it, but to ask God, the All-knowing, if it is true (Moroni 10: 3-5). I know that the Book of Mormon is true.


Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung! Ich habe euch Lieb! Bis nächste Woche! 


Here it's just been very cold. Our walk to church was -11 degrees Celsius. It is also humid. At least it is not hot. 


So I am pretty glad to be in Germany right now. I have heard there have been riots and stuff. Crazy. Maybe we should move to Germany. I have a few places in mind. 


This week there wasn't too much new. We did a lot of finding. It was pretty good. We found some cool people that we will meet with next week, so it should be good. 


This month, as a mission, we have been studying the Book of Mormon. It is pretty cool. 


So it turns out, that the guy we met with last week has a lot of antimormon material. It was all invalid though. He made a list of stuff that was "wrong" with the Book of Mormon. We asked him if he ever read the Book of Mormon, and he said no. We got on him after that. It was pretty funny actually. Some of the things people come up with. My favorite was when he brought up polygamy. He told us that it isn't right, and then that it contradicts our own book. In Jacob 2 it says, 


22 And now I make an end of speaking unto you concerning this pride. And were it not that I must speak unto you concerning a grosser crime, my heart would rejoice exceedingly because of you.


23 But the word of God burdens me because of your grosser crimes. For behold, thus saith the Lord: This people begin to wax in iniquity; they understand not the scriptures, for they seek to excuse themselves in committing whoredoms, because of the things which were written concerning David, and Solomon his son.


24 Behold, David and Solomon truly had many wives and concubines, which thing was abominable before me, saith the Lord.


25 Wherefore, thus saith the Lord, I have led this people forth out of the land of Jerusalem, by the power of mine arm, that I might raise up unto me a righteous branch from the fruit of the loins of Joseph.


26 Wherefore, I the Lord God will not suffer that this people shall do like unto them of old.


27 Wherefore, my brethren, hear me, and hearken to the word of the Lord: For there shall not any man among you have save it be one wife; and concubines he shall have none;


Then he stopped. It was so funny. I then told him to read just 3 verses further. In verse 30 it says 


30 For if I will, saith the Lord of Hosts, raise up seed unto me, I will command my people; otherwise they shall hearken unto these things.


He just said "oh." 


We got to Book of Mormon Geography, and just blew up his theories. It was pretty good. 

Other than that, not too much happened this week. 


Love you! 




Es geht mir gut! 


This week was pretty good. It snowed here a lot. It has gotten pretty cold. For P-day we went to Heidelberg. It is such an amazing city. 


So this week not too much happened concerning the work itself, but it was pretty busy. We had an appointment this week with one of our members. It was awesome. It is really amazing how much members mean to missionaries. Really. Just a simple dinner appointment, especially in Europe, can change a missionary's week. I can't remember who said it, but they said that in this church, it is not a missionary church, and an ecclesiastical church. We are one church, and missionary work is just as big as a responsibility for every member of the church, as much as it is for missionaries. Joseph Smith said "After all that is said and done, the most important work is to preach the gospel." 


Sorry for the short email. Ich habe euch Lieb. Schöne Woche noch! 




Es geht mir gut, wie immer!


This week was good. We had a lot of appointments, and some of our investigators are really starting to make progress. I am really starting to grow to love the people here in Kaiserslautern.


This last week I finished the New Testament. I am so thankful for modern day revelation, otherwise I would have not been able to understand the Book of Revelation at all. There were some people we met with, who told us to read the New Testament, and then we would see that our doctrine isn't right. So I did. It only strengthened my testimony of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith was more than right when he wrote "denn wie ich mich verhalten sollte, wußte ich nicht, und solange ich nicht mehr Weisheit erlangte, als ich damals besaß, würde ich es auch nie wissen; denn die Religionslehrer der verschiedenen Glaubensgemeinschaften verstanden ein und dieselbe Schriftstelle so unterschiedlich, daß dadurch alles Vertrauen darauf zerstört wurde, die Frage durch Berufung auf die Bibel zu entscheiden." The Book of Mormon is just so crucial.


I am so happy to be able to share this message with the people in Germany. I know it is true.


Ich habe euch Lieb! Bis nächste Woche!


Liebe Grüße! 


Everything is going well here in Germany. I open everyone had a good New Years. It was pretty insane here. I have never seen so much fireworks going off at once in my life. 


Not too much happened here, mainly because of the holidays. We had a lot of time to study. Right now I am in the Book of Revelation. One thing I love about this church is the insight it gives from the revelations of John. A lot of people think that the revelations are far fetched, and when someone looks at the book with such a superficial view, I can see why they would be afraid to read it. 


I really liked a couple of scriptures in chapter 3. Verse 19 says "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." Then the next verse reads "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." I love this imagery. It reminds me of a scripture in 3 Nephi. "...will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you?
"Yea, verily I say unto you, if ye will come unto me ye shall have eternal life. Behold, mine arm of mercy is extended towards you, and whosoever will come, him will I receive; and blessed are those who come unto me." Yes, we have to do our part (James 4: 8; D&C 88: 63). What we need to know, is that Christ is waiting for us, and we are always welcome. 


Ich hoffe, dass es euch gut geht. Ich habe euch Lieb. Bis nächste Woche! 




Nichts zu viel ist diese Woche passiert. Wahrscheinlich wegen des Fests. Silvester war wie ein dritter Weltkrieg. Niemals habe ich so viele Feuerwerk gesehen. Verrückt. Wir hatten viele Zeit, um zu studieren. Jetzt lese ich im Buch Offenbarung. Viele Menschen lesen nicht so gerne in diesem Buch, wahrscheinlich weil es ziemlich verrückt scheint. Es ist aber nicht so. Ich bin dankbar für die Lehre in dieser Kirche, die uns das Buch verstehen hilft. 


Etwas von diesem Buch, was mir sehr gut gefällt, findet sich im Kapitel 3. Es lautet "Wen ich liebe, den weise ich zurecht und nehme ihn in Zucht. Mach also Ernst und kehr um!" Im nächsten Vers lesen wir "Ich stehe vor der Tür und klopfe an. Wer meine Stimme hört und die Tür öffnet, bei dem werde ich eintreten und wir werden Mahl halten, ich mit ihm und er mit mir." Es erinnert mich an eine Stelle aus dem Buch Mormon. "...wollt ihr nicht jetzt zu mir zurückkommen und von euren Sünden umkehren und euch bekehren, damit ich euch heile? 
"Ja, wahrlich, ich sage euch, wenn ihr zu mir kommt, werdet ihr ewiges Leben haben. Siehe, mein Arm der Barmherzigkeit ist euch entgegengestreckt, und wer auch immer kommt, den werde ich empfangen; und gesegnet sind jene, die zu mir kommen." Er steht bereit, uns zu empfangen. Alles was wir tun müssen, ist öffnen. Christus bieten Heilung, Vergebung, Glück und Frieden. Alles, was wir wissen müssen, besteht darin, dass er auf uns wartet und dass wir immer willkommen sind. 



Liebe Grüße!


Ich hoffe, dass ihr alle ein gutes Weihnachten hattet. Es war mir etwas Besonderes, mit meiner Familie per Skype reden zu können.


This week was full of miracles.


We were going by less actives on day. On he way from one of them to
the next, we turned a corner into a neighborhood, and saw a man walking toward us. We talked to him, and he invited us right in to his house, where his family just got done celebrating his sons 3rd birthday. Turns out that this guy "found Jesus" and turned his life around from a life of crime. Ever since then, he has been on the search for truth. He has been investigating so many religions, but he said that there was always a piece missing. He loved the story of the Restoration. When we introduced the Book of Mormon, he stopped us and said, "Yeah. I read a little bit online of your founder." My companion and I were just like, "oh no." Then he goes on, "I heard he had a special experience, and it really reminds me of an experience that I had. How did his experience go?" We told the story of Joseph Smith and the first vision. As soon as we told him, he goes, "that man was a prophet, and the Book of Mormon is true." My companion and I still asked him to pray about it. He prayed, and said that now he knows it is true, and that he wants to get baptized. His wife asked him, "but you're already baptized?' Then he said he doesn't care, and that he will get baptized into this church.


It was so amazing. There are people prepared to here the truth.


Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung! Ich habe euch alle Lieb!

Hallo und Frohe Weihnachten!  


Everything is well here in Kaiserslautern. Can't believe that it is already Christmas. "Wie die Zeit Vergeht!" I hope that everyone is enjoying there Christmas time. 


One thing that is special about Christmas time is that people tend to naturally think about Jesus Christ. The prophets of the Old Testament testified of His birth: Isaiah 9: 6 "6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." In first Corinthians 9: 15 it says "Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift." Then in the Book of Mormon we read "For behold, the time cometh, and is not far distant, that with power, the Lord Omnipotent who reigneth, who was, and is from all eternity to all eternity, shall come down from heaven among the children of men, and shall dwell in a tabernacle of clay, and shall go forth amongst men, working mighty miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the lame to walk, the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and curing all manner of diseases. And he shall cast out devils, or the evil spirits which dwell in the hearts of the children of men. And lo, he shall suffer temptations, and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and fatigue, even more than man can suffer, except it be unto death; for behold, blood cometh from every pore, so great shall be his anguish for the wickedness and the abominations of his people. And he shall be called Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Father of heaven and earth, the Creator of all things from the beginning; and his mother shall be called Mary." Without Easter, there would be no Christmas.


I hope we can all take the time to think about why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. 


Ich wünsche euch alle noch eine Frohe Weihnachten!

Liebe Grüße! 


Es geht mir gut, wie immer und ich hoffe, dass es euch gut geht. 


This week was good. Not to much happened. Just missionary work, like always. 


Something that was cool is that I got a 1534 Martin Luther Bibel. It is so cool to compare it to the King James Bible, as well as the 'Einhetsübersetzung,' that the church uses here in Germany. The thing about these different translations, is that they all can get the same message across, but there are a couple words and phrases here and there that are either worded differently, or taken out. For example: 


Galatians 4: 7
Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.


Galater 4: 7 Einheitsübersetzung 
Daher bist du nicht mehr Sklave, sondern Sohn; bist du aber Sohn, dann auch Erbe, Erbe durch Gott.


Galater 4: 7 Martin Luther Übersetzung 1534
Daher bist du nicht mehr Knechte, sondern Sohn; bist du aber Sohn, dann auch Erbe, Erbe Gottes durch Christus.
(not an exact quote because I don't have it with me, but pretty close)


You can see that they all get the point across, but different wording, and one translation even leaves out Christ's name. This is probably a big reason why so many people interpret the Bibl so many different ways. It is almost impossible to have 'one Lord, one faith, one baptism.' This is why the Book of Mormon is so important. If it is not the words that are in it (which it is), then it just gives us that direction. This is also a big reason we have apostles and prophets (Ephesians 4: 11-15). This is all explained in 1 Nephi 13 in the Book of Mormon.


The Book of Mormon is true. Joseph Smith was a Prophet. This is Christ's church on the earth today. 


Ich habe euch alle Lieb. Herzlichen Dank für eure Unterstützung!



Hallo an Alle! Es geht mir sehr gut hier und ich hoffe, dass es euch alles gut geht.


This will be a short email. We spent a p-day in Worms, and on the way back we got off on a wrong stop, so I am emailing on a train right now.


This week was very good. We had a lot of appointments with a lot of cool people. It is amazing to be able to meet so many people from so many different places. We are currently teaching people from Bulgaria, Poland, Albania, Ethiopia, and of course, Germany.


I just wanted to share a scripture that I read recently in my personal study. It is in 2 Corinthians 4: 17-18: "For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." With this perspective we can overcome the hardships we meet in life. We can see that there is a bigger picture to life, and that this life is short. Life is hard sometimes, but everything happens for a reason, and we can choose how we react, and what kind of attitude we have. 


Herzlichen Dank für eure Unterstützung! Bis nächste Woche!



Liebe Grüße an allen! 


Diese Woche war ziemlich gut. In Kaiserslautern gibt es viele Amerikaner, weil es ein militärischer Flugplatz in der Nähe gibt. Ich habe ganz zu viel Englisch gehört und gesprochen. Trotzdem war es gut. Der Weihnachtsmarkt ist nun aufgestellt. Es ist sehr toll! Die Deutsche Kultur ist einfach etwas fantastisches. 


Diese Woche ist nicht zu viel passiert. Deshalb möchte ich einfach etwas mitteilen, das ich von meinem Studium gelernt habe. 


Kürzlich habe ich viel in der Bibel studiert. Sie ist ein tolles Buch. Ich möchte ein Zitat mitteilen, das die Bibel betrifft. "Ich möchte vor allem euch junge Leute bitten, die Bibel nicht abzutun oder abzuwerten. Sie ist ein heiliger Bericht über das Leben des Herrn. Die Bibel enthält einige hundert Seiten mehr als alle unsere anderen Schriften zusammen. Sie ist der Fels, auf dem das ganze Christentum ruht. Wir kritisieren oder belächeln nicht die Glaubensansichten von jemand anders. Unsere große Pflicht als Christen besteht darin, alle Söhne und Töchter Gottes an allem teilhaben zu lassen, was er offenbart hat. Diejenigen, die sich dieser Kirche anschließen, geben ihren Glauben an die Bibel nicht auf – sie stärken ihn. Das Buch Mormon schwächt oder vermindert die Bibel nicht oder macht sie weniger bedeutsam. Im Gegenteil, es vergrößert, erweitert und verherrlicht sie. Das Buch Mormon gibt Zeugnis von der Bibel, und beide geben Zeugnis von Christus." Es gibt wunderbare Geschichte in der Bibel und vieles, was wir daraus lernen können, wie etwa die Errichtung der Kirche Jesu Christi und die Geschichte Seiner Aposteln. Die Hauptsache besteht darin, dass sie das Leben und Wirken Jesu Christ enthält. 


Wenn ihr noch nicht von der neuen Weihnachtsinitiatave von der Kirche gehört hättet, dann besucht Diese Initiative heißt "Der Welt ein Licht." Es ist sehr kühl. Es gibt ein 24 Tage Adventskalender, der 24 weisen erläutert, wodurch wir dem Bespiel Jesu Christi folgen können, indem wir unseren Mitmenschen helfen. Ich glaube, dass es ganz wichtig ist, dass wir das tun, was Jesus selbst gesagt hat: "Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch: Ich gebe es euch, das Licht dieses Volkes zu sein. Eine Stadt, die auf einem Berge liegt, kann nicht verborgen bleiben. Siehe, zündet man eine Kerze an und stellt sie unter einen Scheffel? Nein, sondern auf einen Leuchter, dann gibt sie allen Licht, die im Hause sind; darum laßt euer Licht vor diesem Volk so leuchten, daß sie eure guten Werke sehen können und euren Vater, der im Himmel ist, verherrlichen." Ich hoffe, dass wir alle unser Licht leuchten während dieser Weihnachtszeit. 


Ich habe euch alle Lieb! Herzlichen Dank für eure Unterstützung! 




This week was pretty good. There is a big American air base in Rammstein, which is close to Kaiserslautern, and I was there this week. It was like I was in America. Too much English. Still it was good. The Christmas markets here are now all set up. The German culture is just amazing. 

Not too much happened this week, so I just wanted to write a little bit about some things that I have been studying. 


Recently I have been studying a lot in the Bible. It is really amazing. There is so much cool stuff in there. I want to share a quote from General Conference that talks about the Bible. "You young people especially, do not discount or devalue the Holy Bible. It is the sacred, holy record of the Lord’s life. The Bible contains hundreds of pages more than all of our other scripture combined. It is the bedrock of all Christianity. We do not criticize or belittle anyone’s beliefs. Our great responsibility as Christians is to share all that God has revealed with all of His sons and daughters. Those who join this Church do not give up their faith in the Bible--they strengthen it. The Book of Mormon does not dilute nor diminish nor de-emphasize the Bible. On the contrary, it expands, extends, and exalts it. The Book of Mormon testifies of the Bible, and both testify of Christ." There are such amazing stories in the Bible, and so much that we can learn from it. Not only does it contain the ministry of Jesus Christ, but the establishment of Christ's church, as well as the the story of His apostles. 


If you haven't already heard of the new Christmas initiative from the church, then look it up on This initiative is called "A Light to the World." It is way cool. There is a 24 day advent calendar with 24 ways to follow the example of Jesus Christ by helping the people around us. I believe it is important to follow what Jesus himself said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the light of this people. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Behold, do men light a candle and put it under a bushel? Nay, but on a candlestick, and it giveth light to all that are in the house; Therefore let your light so shine before this people, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." I hope we can all let our light shine this Christmas. 


Liebe Grüße aus Kaiserslautern! 


I goes me good in Kaiserslautern. I hope that you are all doing well. 


This week we had the opportunity to go to Offenbach to get trained from a member of the Seventy, Elder Adler. It was an amazing meeting. Elder Adler is very inspired. We talked a lot about the new Christmas initiative from the church "Der Welt ein Licht." I am way excited for it. I hope we all remember WHY we celebrate CHRISTmas. 


The coolest thing this week came at church. There is a recent convert in this branch, who probably has the coolest conversion story I have heard. He has a very powerful testimony. The story is too long to tell, so I will try to summarize. 


He lived in Iran is whole life (he is about 30 to 40 years old). He had a friend that introduced him to the church. He felt that it was true, so he and his family migrated to Afghanistan to avoid persecution of Christians. On the way, he was caught by the Taliban, and was taken prisoner. While he was in prison, he prayed to God and said that if Jesus was the Christ, and if Joseph Smith was a prophet, then you will let me see my family again. 5 days later he was let free, which is very unlikely for those who are caught. He then was disowned by his family when they found out that he was converted, and he moved to Germany. He found the church here in Kaiserslautern on his own, and two weeks later he was baptized. He lives 75 km from the church, but makes the hour and a half train ride every week to church, without anyone having to call and get him there. 


I just want to ask if we take what we have for granted. Do we complain about church? Commandments? Rules? Standards? It is really a privilege to have what we have in this church. Never have I realized what truths, doctrines, and blessings we find, until I came on a mission, talking to people that don't have it or don't want it. This man that I talked about went through so much to have this. Just think about that. 




Kaleb is in heaven! Not only is he serving a mission in his favorite place (Germany) but he is at the FCK soccer stadium.

Liebe Grüße aus Kaiserslautern! 


This week I got transferred to Hell (the mascot for the professional team here is the Red Devils). It's literally anything but Hell. Kaiserslautern is an amazing city. It is a little bit bigger than Euskirchen (almost 3 or 4x bigger). Another plus is that two of the best players started their professional careers here. Micheal Ballack and Miroslav Klose. I've been here only less than a week, and I have already met some very amazing people. I am very excited to be able to work in this area. 


This week I have been studying a talk called "Ingredients of the True Church." It talks about the "blueprint" of the church that Jesus Christ established. After that, he gives scriptures from the Bible about how Christ organized His church. It is amazing to see all of the things that were restored by Joseph Smith, that were present in Christ's church, but then lost during the Apostasy that occurred after the death of Christ's apostles. Like I says in Alma 41, "And now behold, is the meaning of the word restoration to take a thing of a natural state and place it in an unnatural state, or to place it in a state opposite to its nature? O, my son, this is not the case; but the meaning of the word restoration is to bring back again evil for evil, or carnal for carnal, or devilish for devilish--good for that which is good; righteous for that which is righteous; just for that which is just; merciful for that which is merciful." Joseph Smith restored THE Church of Jesus Christ, not some random church with random organization and random principles. 


Vielen Dank für alle die Stützung! Ich habe euch alle Lieb! Bis nächste Woche!

Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland und das letztes Mal aus Euskirchen!


A lot of cool things happened this week. We met a ton of cool people, which is probably one of my favorite parts about being on a mission, especially the members.


I will really miss the members and all of the people here because I am getting transferred to ______________. I just wanted to write about experiences that I have had here in Euskirchen that I think would be cool to share.


We have had some very interesting, and very rough meetings with people. We have met with people that criticized us for two and a half hours straight for preaching about Jesus Christ. We have met with pastors that argued that there can "be no more Bible! (2 Nephi 29: 3-10)" We have also had some 'encounters' with some pretty interesting people that honestly just confused me because I honestly had no idea what they were talking about.


All of these experiences were very rough, especially for my first area, but they really straightened me out. In Ether 12: 6 it says, "for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith." I've never prayed so much in my life, and I have never wanted to know so bad before. Although answered didn't come suddenly or all at once, they definitely did come. Elder Bednar described it like the sun coming up, rather than a light being turned on. I now actually enjoy having discussions with people against our faith because it gives me the opportunity to share with them the blessings of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Like Jacob in the Book of Mormon "my soul delighteth in proving unto my people the truth of the coming of Christ."


The members of this area were just amazing. I really don't know what else to say. I had the chance to be here to witness this "group" become a branch. To me it just proves that this is God's work, because "no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing." We have seen miracles in this area. Not just once, but literally everyday.


I want to end my email with a scripture from 1 Corinthians 15 to remember Brenna, who on November 5, 10 years ago, left this life to a much better life. "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."





Diese Kirche ist tatsächlich die Kirche Jesu Christi in dieser letzten Tage. Bis nächste Woche! Herzlichen Dank für die Unterstützung! ----- Ich werde die Mitglieder hier in Euskirchen vermissen, weil ich nach ______________ versetzt worden bin. Heute möchte ich einfach ein paar Ereignisse mitteilen und dann das sagen, was ich davon gelernt habe.


Wir hatten viele interessante und auch rohe Termine. Wir haben uns mit Leuten unterhalten, die uns für zwei Stunde verfolgt haben, weil wir von Jesus Christus gepredigt haben. Wir haben uns mit Pastoren unterhalten, die gestritten haben, denn "wir haben eine Bibel, und es kann nicht noch mehr Bibel geben! (2 Nephi 29: 3-10)" Wir haben auch mit viele interessante Menschen, die mich wirklich verwirrt haben, denn ich hatte keine Ahnung worüber sie gesprochen haben.


Doch alle diese Erfahrungen, die ich durchgemacht habe, haben mir geholfen, mein Zeugnis zu stärken. Ich musste für mich selbst herausfinden, ob das, was ich belehre, wahr ist. Ich habe viel studiert, gefastet und gebetet. Mehr als allezeit vorher. Ich kann sagen und Zeugnis davon geben, dass ich weiß mit Gewissheit, dass Gott tatsächlich da ist, dass er uns liebt, dass er seinen Enzigezeugten Sohn gesandt hat, um für uns zu Sünden. Ich weiß, dass diese Kirche, die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, die Kirche Jesu Christi ist, die von Joseph Smith wiederhergestellt worden ist. Diese Botschaft ist eine Botschaft von Frieden und Freude. Freude, dass Gotte mit uns heute spricht und auch, dass er ein Prophet berufen hat, um uns zu leiten und informieren. Ich bin sehr dankbar, dass Gott uns nicht allein verlassen hat. Das bringt mir Frieden und Ruhe.


Ich möchte meine Email mit eine bestimmte Schriftstelle vollenden, um Brenna zu erinnern, die November 5 vor 10 Jahre verstorben ist. Es findet sich in 1 Korinther 15. Sie lautet "Tod, wo ist dein Sieg? / Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? Der Stachel des Todes aber ist die Sünde, die Kraft der Sünde ist das Gesetz. Gott aber sei Dank, der uns den Sieg geschenkt hat durch Jesus Christus, unseren Herrn."



Asset Publisher

Content with tag kaiserslautern .

Title Publish Date Item Actions
Week 41 - Transfers 1/30/17
Week 40 - Das Buch Mormon - Ein Buch von Gott 1/24/17
Week 40 - Book of Mormon 1/23/17
Week 39 - Missionsarbeit 1/16/17
Week 38 - Revelation 1/9/17
Week 37 - "...mein Arm... ist euch entgegengestreckt..." 1/2/17
Week 36 - Voll Wunder (Wundervoll) 12/26/16
Week 35 - Frohe Weihnachten! 12/19/16
Week 34 - 1 Nephi 13: 24-41 12/12/16
Week 33 - Eine Kurze Zeit 12/5/16
Week 32 - Der Welt ein Licht 11/28/16
Week 31 - Betrachten wir es als selbstverständlich? 11/21/16
Week 30 - Die Einzige Wahre Kirche 11/14/16
Week 29 - VERSETZT!!! 11/7/16